Earth Day Pick Up Lines
Here you will find funny, silly and hilarious earth day pick up lines for teens and adults.
Are you a fossil fuel? Because you're making my temperature rise.
Are you a South American region experiencing the El Nino climatic phenomenon, or are you always this hot?
Are you global warming? Because you're making my world hot as heck.
Are you into forestry? Cause I'm growing some wood right now.
Are you the earth? Because I'd really like to plant my seed in you.
Baby, you're a lot like Earth Day in that you deserve to be celebrated 365 days a year.
Blow my mind as the technology of geothermal heating!
Can I plant my tree in your rain forest?
Care to show me your ozone layer?
Cars pollute, so you can get on my electric scooter.
Did that rising sea-level get your pants wet? We better get you out of those!
Did you know cuddling reduces pollution by 25%?
Do it for Mother Earth.
Do you drive an SUV? Because you're warming my globes...
Do you know where i can find a Hoe so i can plant my tool?
Don't I know you from that green energy company that went bankrupt?
Don't say you've got a girlfriend, cuz that would be an inconvenient truth.
Everyday is Earth Day for me baby.
Have you been protesting? Cause all that angst & hate really turns me on!
Heard you recycle. Well feel free to reuse me.
Her eyes are bright as halogen lamps, energy-saving light of my life?
Hey baby, I can make a single roll of toilet paper last a whole year!
Hey baby, is you a tree? Cause I wanna hug you.
Hey gurl, wanna plant a tree with me? We can carve our initials into it on our 50th anniversary.
Hey, baby. I'd love to plant a sapling in your forest.
How about we get all hot and sweaty and then not take a bath?
How much toilet tissue do you use?
I am against cruelty to animals, so I do not hurt my monkey, please gently caress.
I am to love what Detroit is to capitalism, baby.
I bet your Dad is an Environmentalist, because you are so eco-friendly.
I can't claim there will be zero emissions...
I don't know what's hotter, you or Global Warming!
I got you a recycled engagement ring to save our planet"s finite resources.
I hate earth day. Want to take a ride in my hummer and go someplace with lots of air conditioning?
I have data that suggests your hotness has increased 70% during the last 20 years.
I invented the Internet AND global warming.
I just got dumped. Would you recycle me into your new boyfriend?
I like your "Bernie for President" T-shirt. I bet it would look great on the floor next to my bed.
I recycle everything, even my pick-up lines. So, let's make like a tree and leave.
I usually pick up trash, but today I want to pick up you.
I want to exploit you like an oil company.
I would ask u to dance but it uses too much energy!
I'd be willing to marginally change my habits one day a year for you, babe!
I'l show you my footprint if you show me yours.
I'm experiencing a surge in global warming. In my pants.
I'm supporting an entire ecosystem in my dreadlocks.
I've got no job, I live with my mother, and I have no car. But, my carbon footprint is nada! So what do ya say?
If I wrote you a protest song, would you sing it with me?
If you believe in "wind power", this might require you getting your knees dirty.
If you can plant a tree, will you dig me?
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