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Pick Up Lines
Amazing collection of Pick Up Lines!
This is one of the biggest collection of Pick Up Lines on the web! We've listed some of best, silly, chessy, dirty, hilarious, wicked and funniest pick up lines ever created. Remember a good pick up line can break the ice! Be sure to read all of them.
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You'll need more than a Mini-Display Port to be compatible with THIS hardware.
I'll never leave you like Ryan left Brendon.
I'll waste your pussy like Frieza wasted the Saiyan race.
Are you an Electric-type? Your beauty is shocking!
You are the moon of my life.
I'm drowning in the sun and need mouth to mouth now!
Are you a touch pad? Because I'd be the first to tap that.
How do you feel about experiments?
So how about we go discover our coefficient of friction sweetheart.
Is that a xenomorph in your pants or are you just happy to see me?