Feminist Pick Up Lines

Here you will find funny, silly and hilarious feminist pick up lines for teens and adults.

Are you a parking ticket? 'Cause you've got fine judgment written all over you.
Are you related to Bruce Springsteen? Because baby, you were born to run.
Are you tired? Because you've been running around in my mind all day... getting paid more than me.
Are your legs tired? Because you’ve been in my mind all day running for senate.
Damn girl, I like the look of your CV!
Damn girl, if not obeying gender conventions were a crime, you would be guilty as charged!
Damn girl, you have more positive body image than a Dove commercial!
Damn girl, your legs are as long as the patriarchy has been in power and that’s super long!
Did you break the glass ceiling for women when you fell from heaven?
Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Because you have a pretty sweet career objective. I like your hustle.

Do you have a map? Cause I'm getting lost and, like you, I don't follow gender stereotypes.
Don't worry baby I make enough money so you don't have to worry about the fact your gender studies degree is useless.
Girl, I'm not concerned about your thigh gap. But I am concerned about your wage gap.
Girl, why don't you come over to my place . . . of business that is, because women belong in the workplace.
Hello pretty young lady, would you like to have sexual intercourse with me while I treat you to wine and roses?
Hey baby, i know you don't need external validation, but I want to give you some anyway.
Hey baby, with a mouth like that, I bet you can really speak your mind.
Hey girl, I hope you pick me, but what's really important is your right to choose.
Hey girl, I'm not gonna project our cultures regressive social conditioning onto you.

Hey girl, let's talk about what can be done to create a more non-discriminatory culture.
Hey girl, we should have some alone time. You know, some social just-us.
Hey, do you have body image issues? Because I think you'd feel better without those pants.
Hey, girl. How about we go home and smash patriarchy?
I bought you a gift for your birthday. It's another 8 cats.
I hope you like feeling empowered because you're making me nervous.
I want to get to know you better than you know yourself.
I want to take you home ... to meet my mother.
I'd buy you a drink, but I want you to be able to consent later.

I'll respect your autonomy as a person and sexual being all night long, girl.
Is it politically correct to say you make me feel, er, politically erect?
Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself getting your consent for intercourse.
Is your name bell? 'Cause I want to put my hooks in you!
Kiss me if I’m wrong, but I think slut shaming is cool. I’m very wrong.
Ladies, what are you doing with your life if you're not serving your men?
Let's go back to my place and you can not fucking touch me.
Let's help each other be more sex-positive. With consent, of course.
  • Feminism
  • Submitted by: janelle.ostermann
My vagina has a voice, and it's saying helloooo, handsome.

Race and gender aren't the only things about to get intersectional tonight!
Wanna smash the patriarchy with me, then afterwards smash me in bed?
Where have you been all my life? Fighting patriarchal systems.
Women are so feminist that they produce only X sex chromosome.
Would you like to come back to my place and meet my cats?
You don’t need a car to drive me crazy, restrictive abortion bills already do that.
You’re kind of fascinating.

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