Canadian Pick Up Lines

Here you will find funny, silly and hilarious canadian pick up lines for teens and adults.

Are you a beaver? Because dam!
Are you a Mountie because I want to mount you.
Are you a sugar maple tree? Because I would totally tap that.
Are you a sugar maple tree? Cause I would totally tap that!
Are you a sugar maple? Because I'd totally tap you.
Are you timber? Because I'd split you.
Baby, meeting you was better than an NHL lockout ending.
Can I sink my Edmund Fitzgerald in your lake Kitchi-gummi?
Can your beaver eat my log?
Damn girl you must be a maple tree because I'd tap that.

Damn girl, are you a moose? Cause you make me go *moose noise*
Did you know I'm a goalie? Yeah, I always wear protection.
Do you think you're going to meet someone in Iowa?
Do you wanna roll up my rim?
Eh girl you like snow? Because I plan on giving you a white christmas.
Fall hardly happens here, but you'll be falling into my bed.
Girl, I want to dip these 'timbits' in your mouth.
Girl, you must be a snowed in driveway, cuz I really want to plow ya.
Hello, eh. Girl your soft brown eyes remind me of the amazing beaver, eh.

Hey babe. Wanna go for a timmies run?
Hey baby, can I roll up your rim?
Hey baby, my body's like Ontario. Yours to discover.
Hey Girl, are you a Beaver? Because you sure look like you could use some wood!
Hey your hands would be a lot warmer if they were down the front of my pants?
Hey, how about you come and check out my moose?
Hide your beavers. I'm hunting them.
I have a confession to make: I've been looking at you more than I Ottawa.
I want to pick burrs off of you.

I wouldn't mind if your beaver built a dam in my river.
I'd like to mountie you! Sorry, was that rude?
I'll be the McSorely to your Gretzky.
I'm actually way hotter than poutin.
I'm cold just thinking about Canada. Let's Cuddle.
I'm not like the other Canadians you meet.
I'm sorry did you say you drove the ski-doo, what's your ring size?
Is it hot in here or am I just wearing two pairs of long johns?
Is that a maple syrup bottle in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

Is that your Moose?
It's cold out. Why don't you come back to my bed and we can warm up?
It's getting warmer and the snow is melting. Time for me to melt your heart.
It's so cold I can't feel my thighs! Can you feel my thighs?
Let me roll up your rim.
Let's play hockey, because I'd love to have 2 minutes for holding.
Let’s go to my place. I’d like to show you my puck collection.
Looking at you takes my breath away like standing at the top of Mount Columbia.
May i take your truck for a test drive?

My igloo is cold, can I sleep with you tonight?
Nice beaver you got there, mind if I pet it?
Oh I didn't mean to pull you in so close. I thought I heard a rutting bull moose.
So get your tiny butt over here and let's watch hockey and cuddle, eh.

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