Russian Pick Up Lines

Here you will find funny, silly and hilarious russian pick up lines for teens and adults.

Are you Ukraine? Cause I'm RUSSIAN to invade you.
Babe, your womb's *definitely* gonna remember this.
Can I be your klashnkov?
Can I empale your Vlad-gina?
Either you date me or I'll kill you.
Girl are you an adjacent nation's sovereign territory because I have an undeniable urge to penetrate you.
Girl, are your pants made by Karl Marx? Cuz their causing an uprising in my lower class.
Hey girl are you from russia? Cause you dope.
Hey, i've got a big vodka bottle.
I have vodka.

I like my women how I like my vodka. Strong, bitter, and deadly.
I usually don't like black holes, but for you, i'll be happy to make an exception.
I'm not Russian, but I'll definitely be Putin out tonight.
Is your name Ukraine? Because I want to be inside you.
My penis' nick name is Red Terror.
Roses are red, so is the state, let us be comrades because you are great.
So you’re from the largest country in the world? Well tonight, I’ll be the largest thing in your world.
You have legs as long as the ceaseless winter.
You know the hottie from ice dance? Think you could "Putin" a good word for me!

You know Vladimir Putin? Well, you look like the exact opposite of that.
You're hot. I'm just PUTIN it out there.
You're hotter than my mother's borscht.
Your body is Chernobyl and my reactor is about to blow.
Your new name is "Mother Russia." And I don't know if we have crude oil, but I'm going to drill you all night long.
You’re so hot, you make Anna Kournikova look like the guy on the oatmeal box.
  • Russian
  • Submitted by: Christopher S.

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