Native American Pick Up Lines
Here you will find funny, silly and hilarious native american pick up lines for teens and adults.
Are you a Native American princess? You know how to summon my spirit animal.
Are you a nightmare? Because I got my dream catcher ready for you.
Are you a plains native? To me, you're anything but plain!
Are you doing the smoke dance? Or am I just getting mixed signals?
Are you from the beaver clan, because damn.
Are you from the sun clan? Cuz you light up my world!
Are you from the wolf clan? Because you certainly have my heart howling!
Are you Pocahontas? Because I want to poke-your-hot-ass.
Are you tired? Because you've been round dancing through my mind all day!
Baby, come and light my sacred fire.
Baby, you're like the mighty buffalo. My people will use every part of you.
Being with you is better than any dreamcatcher I've ever had.
Can i take a picture of you so I can show the Great Spirit what I want for my birthday?
Damn baby, when I saw you jingle dancing over there, I had to put my mothers shall on my lap.
Damn baby, you got legs like a mustang.
Damn girl, you chickasaw? Because you are the only chick I saw.
Damn you are sexy when you smell like frybread and lard.
Did you know that Native Americans & Indians are the best lovers ? Oh by the way my name is Geronimo Rangaswamy.
Do me like your hand drum and bang me.
Do you have any native in you? Do you want some?
Do you like homemade bannock?
Don't you ride bulls with my cousin?
Have any Indian in you? No? Want some?
Hey girl I like your bead work, you do that yourself?
Hey girl, is that thong that you are wearing? Is that elk or buckskin?
Hey girl, let me be your dream catcher.
Hey miss, I need you to come with me. I told my mother I'd bring her something beautiful from the powwow.
Hey, I just met you. And this is crazy. But here's a lighter. Smoke signal me, maybe?
How, Baby. Check out my wigwam.
I bet you make really good bread.
I can do more than just point with these lips.
I don't wanna marry you, I just want you for the night...
I know how to read smoke signals. Send me one.
I love you like a fat kid loves Indian tacos.
I may not be a chief, but I'll treat you like the native princess that you are!
I saved these elk teeth for you.
I see you’re pretty decolonized, I’m pretty decolonized myself.
I want you to be in the center of my medicine wheel.
I was in the sweat lodge, and all of my visions were of you...
I'll be your Frybread, if you be my honey.
I'm gonna steal your virginity like you stole my land.
I've been on many hunting trips you know, and by far you're the best catch.
I've been told to follow my dreams, so I will follow you around the powwow.
If I could rearrange the Tribes... I'd put yours and mine next to each other.
If you have holes on the bottom of your mocs it's because you've been running through my mind all day.
It's looking a little dry out, how about a rain dance?
Lets escape from the world together and take all the rez back roads.
My handdrum only beats for you.
My spirit animal is an anaconda and I want to bury my Totem Pole in your ground.
My uncle is the Chairman.
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