Columbus Day Pick Up Lines

Here you will find funny, silly and hilarious columbus day pick up lines for teens and adults.

Can I conquer you?
Can I discover if the carpet matches the drapes?
Do you land here often?
Don't worry ... It's shorter than you think.
Hey baby. Want to go and trade some goods?
Hi there. I'm looking for a new route to your bedroom. Care to help a sailor out?
I am trying to discover a passage to the east indies or into your undies, whichever is easier.
I have more of a Santa Maria than a Pinta if you know what I mean.
I know we just met and this may sound crazy but I discovered a backseat in my car, so come with me maybe?
I not bragging but I came in 3 different ships.

I want to land my ship in your undiscovered island.
I'm gonna rock your New World!
I've got a Spanish Queen behind me, Chica, but I much prefer the one in front of me.
I've heard of this place in the new world that lies in your bedroom...
If all three of you come home with me, I'll name my ships after you.
Is that a compass in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Is that your telescope or are you just glad to see me
It's Columbus Day....can I explore your New World?
Let's take voyage back to my place.

No that's not a compass in my pocket, I'm just that happy to see you, my little indigenous hottie. you come here often?
The Queen sent me to discover what is in your pants, gurrrrl.
Wanna see my Pinta?
You want to end up in the wrong place?

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