Dream Pick Up Lines

Here you will find funny, silly and hilarious dream pick up lines for teens and adults.

Am I dreaming… Or are you a revelation?
Are you a ghost sweetheart? Because you’ve been haunting my dreams.
Are you a nightmare? Because I got my dream catcher ready for you.
Are you the Olympics? Because I have been dreaming of getting into you my whole life.
Baby, do I remember you from my dreams, or is that just a false memory?
Be the hard drive of my dreams.
Boy are you the corporate ladder? Because I'm climbing on top of you in my dreams.
Can I borrow a quarter? I told my Mom I'd call when I met the girl of my dreams.
Can I follow you home? Cause my parents always told me to follow my dreams.
Come on baby, you know you’re the girl of my dreams.Total Recall

Do I remember you from my dreams, or is that just a false memory?
Do you have a cell phone? My mom told me to call her when I find the girl of my dreams!
Do you not have any resistance? Because you are the component of my dreams.
Do you want to roll around in my collection of antique buttons and talk about our childhood dreams?
Every day I love you more than yesterday. Sweet dreams.
Every girl dreams of marrying a wrestler.
Excuse me, but are you Arwen? You are so beautiful that I think I have entered a dream.
Good night, nice dreams, love and peace!
Goodnight, my prince, my love, my everything. Sleep well and dream of your princess.

Hey girl are you Freddy Kruger because you've been in my dreams.
Hey girl, let me be your dream catcher.
Hey girl. You know what my dream role is? A stallion. Cuz then you could ride me eight times a week.
Hey, do you work for Disney cause I think you can make all my dreams come true.
Hold my hands. We shall touch the sky. In our dreams we're together. In reality we're forever.
I had a wet dream about you last night. Would you like to make it a reality?
I may not be a genie, but I can make your insurance dreams come true.
I must be on Stilnox, because you're the girl of my dreams.
I need my lens of truth because you seem like a dream!

I'm going to do things to you, that even your priest only dreamed about.
I'm no Joseph...could you help me interpret the dreams I've been having about you?
I've been told to follow my dreams, so I will follow you around the powwow.
If you wake up in a box on Christmas morning, it’s because I asked Santa for the man of my dreams.
Is that really you or have you shape-shifted into my dream girl?
Is your dad a genie because your making my dreams come true.
Isn’t your e-mail address beautifulgirl@mydreams.com?
I’m conducting an experiment, wanna come spend the night over so i can interpret your dreams?
I’m Havana dream with you.

Lets make our "Sex Dreams" a reality.
Love is when you don't want to go to sleep because reality is better than a dream. After seeing you, I don't ever want to sleep again.
  • Dream
  • Submitted by: Shawn
My dream role is to be your girlfriend.
Oh i will sleep to my heart's content! hope to see you in my dreams.
Pinch me! You're so fine I must be dreaming.
Remember me? Oh, that’s right, I’ve met you only in my dreams.
The infinite tsukuyomi must have activated because you are everything I've dreamed of.
The Lord came to me in a dream, told me today you be the Revelation that I would be waiting for to Genesis my love.
Those aren’t sugar plums dancing through my head. My dreams only have room for you.

Trapinch me I must be dreaming.
Want me to transform into the girl of your dreams.Mystique, X-Men
You are my sweetest dream come true. Good Morning.
You can quit swimming after your dreams, I'm right here.

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