Climbing Pick Up Lines

Here you will find funny, silly and hilarious climbing pick up lines for teens and adults.

Are you ready for your first ascent?
Beautiful slopers, mind if I slap them?
Boy, are you a rock? Because I wanna climb you like one.
Come back to my place and I'll show you the true meaning of plug and chug.
Could you be my chalk bag? Cos I wanna squeeze your chalk ball.
Do you got a mirror in your pocket? Huh, I thought I just saw myself climbing in your pants!
Do you mind if I slip my rope under your route?
Ever had sex on a portoledge.
Every time you fall, I'll catch you.
Excuse me, can you spot me? I think I'm falling for you.

Gal, you are amazingly gorgeous... can i get a pic of you climbing?
Girl, is your harness double backed? Cuz I had to double back to get a look at you.
Hey Baby, Climb Here Often?
Hey can i put my nuts or your rack?
Hey girl, I'll let you top rope off of my lead.
Hey girl, wanna belay me?
Hey, how about give me some beta on how I could onsight your rack.
Hey, I was wondering if you could show me your favorite crag?
I do a lot of traditional climbing, but if you want to lead me somewhere, I’ll follow.

I got your mountain right here.
I have a tuber you can use anytime you want.
I have an oversize Friend in my pants!
I just built a climbing gym in my pants and would like to offer your a chance at a first ascent.
I like the way you finger that crack.
I like your slopers, can you teach me how to grip those?
I see two nice lookin' rocks I'd like to grab, do you mind?
I usually use protection, but will make an exception.
I'll belay you all night long.

I'm really good at hand-jams.
If I scrub that crack, will you wash my rope?
If I told you I was falling hard, would you be my belayer?
If I was a boulder problem, would you flash me?
If I was a wall would you climb me all night?
Is that a stalagmite feature or are you just happy to see me?
Is that your belay device or are you just happy to see me?
I’ve got all the hardware you need to be your real mountain man, if you know what I mean.
Miss, could you prompt me? Then I'll know the directions to your heart.

My nuts would fit perfectly in your crack.
My portaledge sleeps two, you know.
Nothing turns me on more than a long hard rock and some tuber.
Please can you hold my rope and give it a tug from time to time when it gets a bit slack
So do you want to go climbing for a couple of hours and then screw?
Some climbers get off soloing; me, I’d rather play with your rack.
Soo...I have a 6 foot wingspan...
Spread your legs and trust the rubber.
Sure you can figure 8, but can you follow through?

Sweetheart, lemme tell you something... I am a real man... I dont use protection.
They don't call me a hard man for nothing...
Usually I lead, but I would follow you anywhere.
Violets are blue. Roses are red. I hear that you give really good ... belay.

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