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Pick Up Lines
Amazing collection of Pick Up Lines!
This is one of the biggest collection of Pick Up Lines on the web! We've listed some of best, silly, chessy, dirty, hilarious, wicked and funniest pick up lines ever created. Remember a good pick up line can break the ice! Be sure to read all of them.
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You look like you have some legendary chest pieces.
You must be a French monarch, cause I feel an uprising in my lower class.
I’m the Hand of the King. Want to see what these hands can do?
Now i know why Solomon had 700 wives... Because he never met you.
Are you a baritone? Because I would love to get to 3rd bass with you.
Baby, I'm just like Mola Rom, I'm a guy after your heart.
I can be your house elf. I'll do whatever you want and I don't need any clothes.
Hey baby. Want to go and trade some goods?
Your voice is so beautiful, you make fartleks sound appealing.
They call my penis The TARDIS. It’s bigger when it’s inside.