Museum Pick Up Lines

Here you will find funny, silly and hilarious museum pick up lines for teens and adults.

Are you a medium? Because I’d like to paint you on carpet.
Are you an antiques collector? Because I have some junk that hasn’t been touched in years.
Are you an impressionist because you impresed the hell out of me.
Are you modern day Mona Lisa?
Are you the daughter of The David or did God finish sculpting perfection?
Aren’t you the model from my figure drawing class?
Baby you’re so fine you could make an impression on MONET.
Did someone forget to paint your horizon line? I can't tell where those legs end.
Do you have an audio tour, because I want to hear all about you.
Have you ever posed nude?

Here I am, in a city of millions, surrounded by some of the finest works of art known to humanity, and all I can look at is you.
I came here wanting to see great art, but I never thought I'd see such a vision of loveliness.
I want to preserve this moment, let's get a climate controlled room.
I would love to draw you. Would you pose for me?
I would shake your hand, but I'm not allowed to touch the master pieces.
I'd like to hang you up and nail you to the wall.
I'd shake your hand, but the sign says not to touch the masterpieces.
If I was an artist, you would be my picture!
  • Museum
  • Submitted by: Arlene Becker
In a room full of art, i'd still stare at you.

Is your last name Dali? Because you persist in my memory.
Is your last name Magritte? Because your beauty is surreal.
Let's make like Rembrandt and take a lesson in anatomy.
Like the Mona Lisa smile, I find your smile absolutely intriguing.
See that painting? I'd buy it for you if I had a million dollars.
Sup Girl, you look like a greek statue, except you got your clothes on and aren't missing your arms.
The post modernists say that perfection is unattainable. So tell me Perfect, is it true?
Vincent Van Gogh out with me.
Wanna take a tour of my exhibit?

You belong in an art museum because you're a masterpiece.
You know the Mona Lisa has no eyebrows... I wonder what else she shaves.
You know, I keep seeing a portrait of you and me meeting for a cup of coffee. Can we meet somewhere tomorrow?
You must be an Anish Kapoor sculpture, because I can see myself in you.
You must be an artist, because I find myself drawn to you.
  • Museum
  • Submitted by: gromit1996
You seem like a very sophisticated young lady that knows about lizards.
You're so bold and curvy, if I were with you I'd go Baroque.
You're so Monet, and you don't even know it.
  • Museum
  • Submitted by: Harper K.
Your pretty face sure would make a beautiful painting.

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